Learn Why Empathy Is The Key Ingredient To Any Successful Civilization
Learn why civilization corruption is paramount to the globalists' plan for a New World Order -- Alex Jones breaks it down!
VIDEO: Obama Talks About Staying In Power Forever
Former president doesn't realize his political influence has substantially waned in the wake of Trump's crushing election victory -- tune in!
Jay Dyer: Spies, Lies, Bitcoin, & The Future Of Money
A massive paradigm shift is underway with the Western power structure struggling to maintain its grip on the economic world order -- tune in to learn more!
EXCLUSIVE: ‘The Globalists Tried To Get Me To Sell Out To Satan,’ Alex Jones Talks About Some Of The Times The NWO Tried To Buy Him Off
Wealth and fame isn't to a rich life -- Alex Jones breaks it all down!
Jeff Bezos, Bill Maher, Mark Zuckerberg, Senator Fetterman, & Other Leftists Are Defecting To The Trump Camp — The Time Has Come For Leftists Everywhere To Convert To Team Humanity
These individuals can sense where the wind is blowing and don't want to be caught on the losing side when justice comes for the New World Order cronies -- tune in!