New Pandemics Will ‘Come Crashing Down On Jan. 21 On Trump Administration,’ Big Pharma Shill Peter Hotez Warns
posted 17 hours ago TRENDING
CEO Of UnitedHealthcare Killed In Alleged Targeted Attack In Manhattan, Suspect At Large
posted 22 hours agoBREAKING: Prestigious Medical Journal ‘Science, Public Health Policy And The Law’ Warns Covid mRNA Shots Contain Deadly Cancer Viruses That Will Take Over Your Body & Kill You
The Covid shot's dark secrets are being revealed in scientific literature.
Elon Musk is Right: The ACLU Should be Defunded for Supporting Big Pharma’s Criminal Targeting of Children for Sterilization, Alex Jones Lays Out the Critical Developments in the US Supreme Court
Children are being turned into eunuchs.
MUST-WATCH EPIC RANT: WE ARE IN A WAR & THERE’S NOWHERE TO RUN! It’s Time To Fight In The Information War Before It’s Too Late
The animating contest of liberty wages eternal, what will the next phase hold for humanity with the return of Trump -- Alex Jones breaks it down!
New Pandemics Will ‘Come Crashing Down On Jan. 21 On Trump Administration,’ Big Pharma Shill Peter Hotez Warns
Establishment is once again signaling that it won't allow Trump to restore prosperity to America without a fight -- Alex Jones breaks it all down!
ALEX JONES ISSUES EMERGENCY ALERT: Desperate Deep State Democrats Publicly Announcing Plans to Launch Violent Nationwide Uprisings Against President Trump’s New Administration — Globalists Planning to Use Civil War Conditions As Cover For a Coup Against President Trump & American People
The cornered Deep State won't hand over control of America back to We The People without a fight -- Alex Jones breaks down what comes next, please share this important link everywhere!