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Shock: Geraldo Defends Accused Pedophile/Sex Trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell

Rivera argues for bail for pedophile suspected sex trafficker accomplice, as fellow commentators point out she's a flight risk.

Shock: Geraldo Defends Accused Pedophile/Sex Trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell Image Credit: fox news / twitter screenshot

Fox News commentator Geraldo Rivera stoked controversy when he appeared to defend Jeffrey Epstein accomplice and suspected sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell, saying she deserved bail despite being a flight risk.

The former daytime talk show host made the asinine argument during Fox News’ The Five show Monday, claiming the American legal system should afford Maxwell – who’s charged with sex trafficking of a minor, enticing and transporting minors to engage in illegal sex acts and three conspiracy counts – equal justice under the law.

“Ghislaine Maxwell has been in jail for 17 months for no bail. They gave her no bail. She is sitting in prison prior to trial. Accused of, get this, of events that happened between 1994 around 1997,” Rivera told a panel, arguing for leniency for the demised pedophile’s aide.

“She’s a flight risk,” explained co-panelist Degan McDowell.

“A flight risk? She offered to put up a $28.5 million bond,” Rivera shot back.

“She’s going to escape to a country that has no extradition,” responded co-host Jesse Watters.

“You, you, you take her… you, throw her in solitary confinement, 17 months,” an irritated Rivera claimed.

After a tense back and forth, McDowell reads why even federal statutes indicate bail should be withheld for Maxwell.

“Let me educate you really quickly. Let me speak. This is the segment I’m running. Here’s the Federal bail law. You’re allowed, in 1984, Congress passed federal bail law. You’re allowed to deny bail on two grounds: flight risk and danger to the community,” McDowell elucidated.

“Where is Ghislaine Maxwell gonna hide?” Rivera asked, to which Watters promptly replied, “Everywhere.”

“Way to stand up for a sex trafficker,” McDowell added.

Rivera’s commentary and apparent defense of an accused pedophile sex trafficker didn’t go over well on social media, where he was accused of possibly being an Epstein associate.

Geraldo also stuck up for Maxwell last year after she was arrested, saying she deserved bail despite her suspected “loathsome crimes.”

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