A chief Canadian health officer has proclaimed the province of Alberta will begin misreporting Covid numbers by counting all sick persons who refuse Covid tests as Covid positive.
The remarkable announcement, declaring infected numbers will henceforth simply be a projected estimate, came from Alberta Chief Health Officer Deena Hinshaw during a press conference last Thursday.
“…In some ways that is adding an additional layer of protection, because if individuals choose not to get tested for Covid, but are home with an illness, they’re now counted in the list as being part of that outbreak,” Hinshaw says.
“And so it’s less dependent on needing a test to be a part of identifying where there is an issue,” Hinshaw announced.
Wait …. Wait ….. What?
Duh fuk did I just hear in Canada?! pic.twitter.com/K42OMrVfOQ— Natalie (@iliveasnatalie) September 26, 2021
The fact this will cause Covid case counts to be artificially inflated – which will then justify additional lockdowns and Covid restrictions – was not lost on keen Twitter users, who took the declaration as an admission the government is lying to its citizens.
Your government is lying to you about true COVID numbers and this clip is the admission of the lying.
— Thoroughbred Catalog – Jared Gollnitz (@TBCatalog) September 26, 2021
Ummm. No. Whatever happened to follow the science? That is not science. That is idiocy. Science does not make assumptions. It follows the evidence to get to the facts.
— KIM (@TERRA15413631) September 26, 2021
I remember when I was little, I had friends a bit like this, they'd play a board game with you and just keep making up the rules and changing them as they went along, so that they won no matter what. I was little, and it was a game,so I tolerated it then.
— Brianna Celeste Gill #GTTO (@BriannaCeleGill) September 26, 2021
They are going to just project estimated covid cases. Covid cases are used as a justification to shut down society and imprison people in their own homes. What can possibly go wrong?
— iauthority (@iheartauthority) September 26, 2021
This is no longer about science, it is about the elites seizing control.
— Hein (@Hein_Bakbokking) September 26, 2021
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