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ALEX JONES ISSUES EMERGENCY ALERT: Desperate Deep State Democrats Publicly Announcing Plans to Launch Violent Nationwide Uprisings Against President Trump’s New Administration — Globalists Planning to Use Civil War Conditions As Cover For a Coup Against President Trump & American People

The cornered Deep State won't hand over control of America back to We The People without a fight -- Alex Jones breaks down what comes next, please share this important link everywhere!

ALEX JONES ISSUES EMERGENCY ALERT: Desperate Deep State Democrats Publicly Announcing Plans to Launch Violent Nationwide Uprisings Against President Trump’s New Administration — Globalists Planning to Use Civil War Conditions As Cover For a Coup Against President Trump & American People Image Credit:

Alex Jones issues an emergency warning to President-elect Trump. The Deep State is determined to launch massive false flags and crises that will spark violent unrest to prep for civil war conditions as the smokescreen to launch their coup against him. Tune in NOW!

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