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Bali Threatens YouTubers With Deportation for Filming Fake Mask Stunt Inside Grocery Store

Social media pranksters fooled supermarket security guard with painted-on face mask.

Bali Threatens YouTubers With Deportation for Filming Fake Mask Stunt Inside Grocery Store Image Credit: youtube screenshot

The government of Bali is deciding whether to deport two YouTubers who filmed a stunt using a painted-on face mask to gain entry to a supermarket.

In the video posted April 22, a man and a woman attempt to enter a grocery store unmasked, only to be turned away by store security.

The couple heads back to their vehicle where the man paints a mask on the woman’s face. They next return to the storefront and are successfully granted entry.

The harmless prank caused the local Indonesian government to seize the couple’s passport and threaten them with deportation.

As CNN reports, “Indonesia has been strictly enforcing its mask mandates. Police are allowed to issue fines on the first offense and deport foreigners on the second offense.”

The head of Bali police forces, I Dewa Nyoman Rai Dharmadi, recommended the two be deported, saying, “They are not only violating, but deliberately provoking in public, so it’s only proper to sanction them more severely, not just with a fine but also deportation.”

Video creator and US citizen Josh Paler Lin subsequently deleted the video and posted an apology on April 24 to Instagram along with the woman in the video, Russian citizen Leia Se, and their attorneys.

“The intention to make this video was not at all to disrespect or invite everyone to not wear masks,” a masked Lin said.

“I made this video to entertain people because I am a content creator and it is my job to entertain people…we promise not to do it again.”

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