Baltimore City continues to descend into chaos this summer as labor shortages plague the police department and firehouses.
Residents could be at risk of police not responding to 911 calls or firefighters not arriving to a fire or other emergency. Under new management, newly elected Mayor Brandon Scott fails to keep public emergency services stocked with first responders.
According to Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police’s (FOP) Twitter, the city is experiencing a cop shortage as patrols plunge. The police department is more than 500 cops short (something we outlined not too long ago).
“CITIZENS OF BALTIMORE: Last night, the @baltimorepolice Northern District had 7 officers on the street and the other Districts averaged 12 officers. Ten years ago the average was 20 officers/shift. YOUR SAFETY IS IN JEOPARDY!” Baltimore City FOP tweeted.
Declining patrols and a liberal City Hall have transformed the city into a chaotic mess this summer. Violent crime is surging, and homicides are expected to break above the 300-level for the six consecutive year.
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has blamed the surge in violent crimes on Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s halt on prosecuting minor traffic violations, prostitution, drug possession, and other minor offenses during the virus pandemic.
Meanwhile, the official Twitter handle for the Baltimore Firefighters Union IAFF Local 734, reports one of the busiest fire departments in the city, Engine 13, closed on Saturday because of “staffing issues.” The video below shows the firehouse unable to respond to fire down the street.
Police and fire shortages can’t be good.
The question remains if America’s labor shortage is driving police and firefighter shortages in the city, or people just don’t want to risk their lives for an imploding town. Soon, basic public services could be in jeopardy.
Over eight years ago Alex Jones and whistleblower Wayne Madsen uncovered the Q group and exposed the abuse of power by the NSA.