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Biden Team Secretly Meets With Network Execs To ‘Reshape’ White House Coverage Amid Low Polling, CNN Says

The White House

not happy with the news media's coverage of the supply chain and economy

Biden Team Secretly Meets With Network Execs To ‘Reshape’ White House Coverage Amid Low Polling, CNN Says Image Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

The Biden team is “not happy” about the corporate media’s coverage of the economy and supply chain breakdowns and has been meeting with corporate news executives in a bid to “reshape” the media’s narratives.

“The White House, not happy with the news media’s coverage of the supply chain and economy, has been working behind the scenes trying to reshape coverage in its favor,” CNN’s Oliver Darcy reported Monday in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter.

“Senior White House and admin officials — including NEC Deputy Directors David Kamin and Bharat Ramamurti, along with Ports Envoy John Porcari — have been briefing major newsrooms over the past week, a source tells me.”

Darcy tried to spin the corrupt government-media collusion as “productive.”

“The officials have been discussing with newsrooms trends pertaining to job creation, economic growth, supply chains, and more. The basic argument that has been made: That the country’s economy is in much better shape than it was last year. I’m told the conversations have been productive, with anchors and reporters and producers getting to talk with the officials…” Darcy claimed.

Given the corporate media – including CNN – have already been favorably covering Biden despite tanking approval ratings, many users on Twitter dragged Biden and the MSM for openly formulating state-run propaganda.

The corporate media’s collusion with the Biden administration is a clear breach of journalistic ethics.

The Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics calls for journalists to “Deny favored treatment to advertisers, donors or any other special interests, and resist internal and external pressure to influence coverage.” 

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