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Cardiologist Who Vowed Not to Cry for Unvaccinated Deaths Dies in Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Jab

Cardiologist told 'seflish' unvaccinated: 'I won't cry at your funeral.'

Cardiologist Who Vowed Not to Cry for Unvaccinated Deaths Dies in Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Jab Image Credit:

A Canadian cardiologist who tempted fate by claiming he would never shed a tear for unvaccinated deaths died suddenly in his sleep weeks after receiving his Covid booster jab.

This week it was reported Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, 52, a director of the Interventional Cardiology program at the New Brunswick Heart Centre, died suddenly in his sleep.

“It is with profound sadness that we report the sudden and unexpected death of a colleague, friend, father, partner and inspiring spirit,” read a statement from the New Brunswick Heart Centre.

Months earlier, the Saint John-based cardiologist had made his sentiments toward the “selfish” unvaccinated known in a July Twitter post, in which he claimed he would not feel sad at their funerals.

“The collective arguement to protect those who CANNOT get the vaccine who WANT protection – immune compromised , the very young – the homeless and disenfranchised,” tweeted Lutchmedial. “For those that won’t get the shot for selfish reasons – whatever – I won’t cry at their funeral.”

In another post back in August, the doctor also suggested calling the jabs “antibody guns” to get Americans on board with vaccinations.

Fast-forward to late October, and a Facebook update by Lutchmedial indicates he indeed received a third Covid-19 vaccine, known as a booster jab.

Dr. Lutchmedial died 15 days after the Facebook post.

“It was sudden, unexpected for all of us. He was actually on call yesterday morning,” colleague Jean-Fracois Légaré described.

Given the timeframe of Lutchmedial’s recent jab, it’s widely speculated and highly likely the vaccine could very well be responsible for his death.

Despite the mysterious death, however, a CBC article dedicated to Lutchmedial made no mention of an investigation launched to determine the doctor’s cause of death.

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