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CNN Admits Hunter Biden May Be Indicted, Laptop From Hell Not ‘Russian Disinformation’

“It seems pretty clear that Hunter Biden was trading on his father's name to make a lot of money, says CNN correspondent."

The political dam may be about to break against Biden's White House as multiple newspapers and media outlets acknowledge that Hunter's laptop is authentic.

CNN Admits Hunter Biden May Be Indicted, Laptop From Hell Not ‘Russian Disinformation’ Image Credit: screenshot/CNN

Pundits on CNN are now admitting that Hunter Biden may be indicted over the contents of his “Laptop from Hell”, which is now acknowledged by mainstream outlets not to be “Russian disinformation.”

“This is a very real, very substantial investigation of potentially serious federal crimes,” CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said Wednesday. “We are seeing federal prosecutors in Delaware do exactly what you would expect to see federal prosecutors do in this situation.” 

“There is a realistic chance this could result in federal charges,” he continued. “Of course, then we’d be in unprecedented political territory – not legal territory – but a situation of having potentially the Justice Department prosecuting and trying to imprison the son of the president.”

CNN Justice correspondent Evan Perez piled on, noting that the FBI had confirmed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the contents show he had profited from corrupt dealings with foreign governments.

“We know the FBI has possession of it and that they believe it is his laptop. The contents are his,” he said.

But CNN’s John Harwood tried distancing Hunter’s corrupt activities from Joe Biden himself, claiming there is “zero evidence” of a connection between the puppet president and his crackhead son’s corrupt activities in Ukraine and China.

“It seems pretty clear that Hunter Biden was trading on his father’s name to make a lot of money,” Harwood admitted.

“But so far, there is zero evidence that Vice President Biden, or President Biden, has done anything wrong in connection with what Hunter Biden has done,” he added.

The evidence, however, points to the contrary.

Over the last several weeks, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and others finally admitted that Hunter’s laptop and its contents are authentic, suggesting legal action may soon be taken against him.

This comes after a 259-day news blackout by the media and Big Tech, who characterized the Hunter story as “Russian disinformation” after The New York Post initially broke the story in October 2020.

The FBI probe into Hunter Biden for money laundering and tax and foreign lobbying laws that began in 2018 is finally showing signs of coming to a head, with multiple witnesses expected to provide testimony to federal investigators in the coming weeks.

Joe Biden had dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop story as a “smear campaign” and “a bunch of garbage” during the 2020 presidential race.

But the contents of Hunter’s laptop reveal that not only did Joe Biden know about Hunter Biden’s corrupt activities abroad, but also profited from his influence peddling.

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