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Comedian Who Collapsed on Stage After Bragging About Booster Says She Won’t Be Getting 4th Shot

I think I'm done.""

Comedian Who Collapsed on Stage After Bragging About Booster Says She Won’t Be Getting 4th Shot Image Credit: Video Screenshot

The comedian who collapsed on stage after bragging about getting her third booster shot told Dr. Drew during an interview that she probably won’t be getting a fourth shot.

Well, this is awkward.

As we previously highlighted, Heather McDonald had to be rushed to hospital after taking a tumble at a show in Tempe, Arizona earlier this month.

“I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted … and flu shot and shingle shot and haven’t gotten COVID and Jesus loves me most,” said McDonald before collapsing to the floor.

During a subsequent appearance on Ask Dr. Drew, McDonald revealed that she had taken two doses of the Pfizer vaccine but had a Moderna booster shot “three weeks to the day” of her collapse on stage.

Drew said that the most common time period for adverse reactions to occur from boosters was within “two to three weeks” of taking the shot and that fainting was one of them.

When Dr. Drew asked McDonald if she was aware of any “evidence of myocarditis,” the comedian said she knew nothing about it.

“Which is an inflammation of the heart and changes the way the heart muscle functions a little bit, that’s why I ran hard on that echocardiogram,” Drew explained.

McDonald didn’t express any dreaded “anti-vax” views, but she did say the collapse had made her reconsider getting jabbed again.

“I mean, you know, what can I do now… I don’t think I’m going to get the fourth booster though, I will say that,” McDonald said. “I think I’m done.”



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