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Davos Group Pushes Vaccine Passports to Enforce Global Carbon Taxes

Global carbon taxes would make travel, cost of shipping even more expensive

For example, backpacking through Europe would be a thing of the past for most young Americans

Davos Group Pushes Vaccine Passports to Enforce Global Carbon Taxes Image Credit: Onfokus / Getty

The Davos Group is pushing a UN plan to use worldwide “vaccine passports” to enforce global carbon taxes, which would make the cost of travel even more expensive.

A breakdown of the proposal begins at the 7:44 mark of this video:

The World Economic Forum, which hosts the Davos Group meetings, claims that a worldwide vaccine passport would lead to a “harmonization of varying national laws,” a necessary step to enforcing a global carbon tax.

We’ve already seen the Biden regime working with other countries to collude on an agreed-upon minimum 15% corporate tax rate across the world, so the “harmonization” is not unheard of when it comes to a global tax.

It’s quite apparent that a vaccine passport required to travel across counties would provide the necessary tech infrastructure to pass the costs of carbon taxes onto individual travelers, which is likely the intended goal.

For one thing, many globalist-oriented corporations are already avoiding numerous taxes around the world, so why propose a tax on only those who aren’t paying taxes to begin with?

The proposal could lead to international – and even domestic – travel becoming prohibitively expensive for most people.

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