You don’t have to believe in the most elaborate theory of predictive programming—the idea that our elites seed information about their plans for the future, deliberately, because it fulfils some vital function in their twisted Moloch-worshipping religion—to understand that our elites often do signal their intentions, and sometimes they do so well in advance. That means months, even years, ahead of schedule. And they use modern electronic media in all their forms to do it.
Maybe there are some people in government and the deep state who really do have some fully developed, esoteric theory about the cosmic significance of programming people’s minds for nefarious ends. After all, there are some very weird people with very weird art on their walls in Washington DC—*COUGH* TONY PODESTA *COUGH*—but you only need to see that sometimes, in order to make a plan work, it’s necessary to prepare people for it in advance. By preparing people’s minds, you can ensure they react in the right way. Whatever nasty thing it is you want to get them to get used to is less of a shock, and that means their behaviour is more predictable and therefore manageable. That’s the idea, anyway.
Just look at what happened with the attempt on Trump’s life, last month in Butler, Pennsylvania. Ever since Trump walked down that escalator in 2016, we’ve been told that Trump is Orange Hitler and that his plan is to create a thousand-year Orange Reich in which libtards and Mexicans are systematically hunted and exterminated (or just forced to leave the US for Canada or Mexico); in which women are made to surrender control of their bodies to MAGA-hat wearing hordes of “Christian nationalists;” and in which the world is going to be engulfed in the flames of nuclear war when Trump decides—big baby that he is—that some world leader hasn’t showed him the respect he deserves as president and former host of The Apprentice.
The aim of course was to make Trump look bad and mobilise popular opposition to him, but the ceaseless rhetoric about Trump being a threat to democracy, an avowed enemy of the American founding and its ideals, also served another, much more sinister, purpose: to legitimise any and all means, including murder, to stop him.
This became increasing clear towards the end of last year, as it became more obvious that the regime’s strategy of preventing a second Trump term—the endless lawfare, the character assassination, the constitutional challenges, the backstabbing from Republicans—was not going to stop the Orange Man. The regime was stuck with a incumbent who increasingly resembled an extra from Night of the Living Dead and few, if any, credible options to replace him. (It’s worth remembering that, until five minutes ago, Kamala Harris was not popular among Democrats. She was not “brat.” Nobody found her comments about coconuts endearing. She wasn’t “code-switching” either: she was just pretending to be an African American, and real African Americans could see through it. That’s why she got less than 4% of the vote in the 2020 primaries: nobody liked her. Nobody still does.)
And so that’s why, at the end of last year, writing for Human Events, I predicted there would be an assassination attempt, simply on the basis of what was being said and by whom. There was more and more speculation in the mainstream media about what might happen if a presidential candidate died on the campaign trail, and then there was a sudden uptick in comparisons of Trump and Julius Caesar, the obvious implication being that Trump is America’s Caesar and that only some kind of “Brutus Option”—a literal knife in the back on the floor of the Senate—could stop him. The most revealing of the Trump-Caesar comparisons came from Robert Kagan, husband of deep-state dominatrix Victoria Nuland. “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable,” he said, under a photomontage of Trump’s face and a bust of Rome’s great dictator. Unless…
It was as if the deep state was speaking to us directly, telegraphing its intentions. Or maybe it was just trying to push a sad mindf*cked loser like Thomas Matthew Crooks over the edge.
Either way, we were told what would happen: Trump would be subject to an attempt on his life. And then he was. It was a shock, but it shouldn’t have been.
So what should we make of the recent joint warning from the FBI and CISA—theCybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency—that “election infrastructure” is at risk this November from a cyber attack?
In a statement, the two agencies said the following: “This public service announcement is to raise awareness that Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on election infrastructure, or adjacent infrastructure that supports election operations, could hinder public access to election information, but would not impact the security or integrity of election processes.”
“The PSA is part of the agencies’ ongoing commitment to provide the public with information and the election infrastructure community with the support they need to run safe and secure elections.”
Twitter users are already saying this is a clear indication that some electronic interference will be used to steal the election from Donald Trump.
“How do they know an attack on “election infrastructure” wouldn’t impact election results in advance?!” Tweeted Rogan O’Handley, a.k.a. “DC Draino.”
“Is this their plan?
“To have an attack that shuts down key election infrastructure and then when everything comes back online we all have to accept the results?!
“And I’d bet those results will mysteriously support Kamala.”
I don’t think this is fanciful at all.
If you’ve been paying attention to INFOWARS, you’ll know that last month’s Crowdstrike outage—which grounded planes, brought business to a standstill and may even have ruined your day or week with the dreaded Windows Blue Screen of Death—also affected voting machines in Maricopa County, Arizona. Yes, that Maricopa County, Arizona. The one where all the funny business keeps happening.
Maricopa is a bellwether for election fraud, whatever the mainstream media wants you to believe.
Oh yeah, and while you’re Googling Maricopa County’s recent history of election-fraud accusations, look up the links between Crowdstrike and the investigation into the hacking of the Democratic National Committee in 2016.
Draw your own conclusions.
Ultimately, there can be no excuses about this election, not after 2020 and not after what we’ve seen in the last few weeks. Any talk of “too big to rig” or “but they wouldn’t go that far” needs to die, right now. Donald Trump was millimetres from having his head blown apart in front of the world. A mere turn of the head was enough to turn history on its head. Complacency has no place here.
There are still about twelve weeks until the election, which will have to be enough time to prepare for every possible eventuality. The good news is, it looks like the Trump campaign is taking the threat of election fraud, including electronic interference, seriously. Back in June, The New York Post ran a story that Lara Trump is “building an army of ‘100,000 poll watchers and over 500 lawyers’” to ensure that as free and as fair an election as possible takes place.
The simple truth is, if the election is stolen again, we only have ourselves to blame.
Don’t say they didn’t warn us.
BOMBSHELL PROOF: Acting Secret Service Director Caught In Massive Perjury