Louder With Crowder (LWC) founder and host Steven Crowder released a video on Thursday showing the moment he confronted New York City’s former Covid “czar” Dr. Jay Varma about statements he made to a “Mug Club Undercover” journalist.
Dr. Varma was the Senior Advisor for Public Health for Democrat NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio during the Covid pandemic.
The confrontation video was released just after LWC published undercover video of the doctor admitting to locking down citizens and forcing them to get shots while secretly attending drug-fueled orgies and raves.
See the undercover footage below:
BREAKING: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic; Says New Yorkers Would Have Been “Pissed” If They Found Out Because He Was Running Entire Covid Response For City
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) September 19, 2024
Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health, NYC Mayor’s… pic.twitter.com/YrgniDUdFc