Well-known globalists and occultists like high priestess Marina Abramovic are endorsing Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, prompting some on social media to consider rooting for Vladimir Putin instead.
Abramovic, a Democrat known for her occult antics like Spirit Cooking ceremonies, denounced Russian President Vladimir Putin and called for social media to rally to Ukraine’s side of the conflict.
“An attack to Ukraine is to attack all of us,” Abramovic said in a video circulating Twitter. “It’s an attack to humanity and has to be stopped.”
Marina Abramovic calls for a common cause against Russia pic.twitter.com/cYha1qukxt
— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2022) February 25, 2022
Abramovic’s dark legacy is so repugnant that many people commented that while they otherwise would not support Russia – framed as the aggressor in this conflict – her endorsement of Ukraine is making them reconsider.
Fuck I didn’t want to support russia but no choice now
— NEET_Galahad (@NEET_Galahad) February 25, 2022
If she’s against, kinda makes me think I should be for…
— xIngloriousCrypto (@IngloriousXto) February 25, 2022
When satanists got your back you know you are on the wrong side.
— Heretic von Bruhaha | Pronomen Honk/Honk (@PvL90608465) February 25, 2022
Bet against her
— 7th Guest (@guest_7th) February 25, 2022
Probably the last person in the world i would listen to
— Stenen (@Simonstenen) February 25, 2022
She is always so kind hearted
— Coeur mécanique (@AlmaTopete) February 26, 2022
That’s not the only ‘common cause’ she calls for. pic.twitter.com/GktnMk2DKV
— Seymour Freeman (@SeymourFreeman_) February 25, 2022
— Claudia Riojano (@ClaudiaRiojano) February 25, 2022
But Abramovic isn’t the only one throwing her support behind Ukraine.
Globalist Alexander Soros, son of billionaire George Soros and Deputy Chair of the Open Society Foundation, also tweeted his support for Ukraine on Thursday.
We are all Ukrainian today! #standwithukraine
— Alexander Soros, PhD (@AlexanderSoros) February 24, 2022
George Soros himself even tweeted in support of Ukraine on Saturday, saying “We must #StandWithUkraine.”
Allowing Putin to succeed on his quest will send a message across the world that nations can simply be created or dissolved by brute force. We must #StandWithUkraine, as they stand for us.
— George Soros (@georgesoros) February 26, 2022
Ecologist David de Rothschild, the son of banker Evelyn de Rothschild, also signaled his support for Ukraine on his Twitter profile with a Ukrainian flag emoji next to his name and the hashtag #standwithukraine.

When individuals like these give you support, one must wonder exactly what your side stands for.
One user on Twitter pointed to a video by former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who warned that anyone calling to defend Ukraine’s “democracy” is lying, because Ukraine is effectively an autocracy that jails opposition media and political opponents of the regime.
— hyronemus (@hyronemus1) February 26, 2022
Infowars is anti-war and does not support this conflict, and we advise these globalists to keep their endorsements to themselves so as not to galvanize anyone to a particular side.
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