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Flashback: Minneapolis Cops Testify that Gov. Tim Walz Gave Order to Let Rioters Burn Police Station

Another example of Walz's far-left radical anti-police and pro-riot policies surfaces online.

Flashback: Minneapolis Cops Testify that Gov. Tim Walz Gave Order to Let Rioters Burn Police Station Image Credit: screenshot/WCCO News

A news report from 2020 currently going viral details how three Minneapolis police officers testified to the Minnesota Senate that Gov. Tim Walz handed down an order to allow BLM rioters to burn down the Minneapolis Police Department.

MPD Sergeant Anna Hedberg offered damning testimony against Walz and state and city government leaders for abandoning law and order as the riots erupted following the death of George Floyd.

She detailed a phone call where she overheard Walz tell law enforcement personnel to abandon the MPD Third Precinct and let the mob overrun it.

“I heard the governor say, ‘Give it up,’” Hedberg said.

“When the governor says ‘give up the precinct,’ I mean, that’s demoralizing for this whole state,” she added.

Officer Rich Walker also testified that dozens of “demoralized” law enforcement officers were planning to retire or quit in the wake of Walz’s actions.

“I believe I speak for every Minneapolis cop when I tell you that I’ve never been more publicly humiliated,” he said, adding crime has been “rampant” since the BLM riots.

Around the same time, Walz’s wife told the media how she opened the windows to relish the odor of burning tires from the citywide riots.

“I could smell the burning tires…I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening.”

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