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Globalist Spy Christopher Steele Claims Russia Behind UK Unrest, Says MI6 Monitoring Tommy Robinson & Nigel Farage

Establishment placing blame for mass migration backlash on Russia and 'far-right'

Globalist Spy Christopher Steele Claims Russia Behind UK Unrest, Says MI6 Monitoring Tommy Robinson & Nigel Farage Image Credit: Christopher Furlong / Staff / Getty

Infamous former MI6 Russia head Christopher Steele, who compiled the notorious 2016 “Trump-Russia dossier” that led to the first Donald Trump impeachment, is now claiming the Kremlin is stirring civil unrest in the UK.

Instead of admitting British citizens are fed up with mass migration and weak sentencing for foreigner criminals, ex-MI6 members are telling media outlets Russia is to blame for riling up Brits.

Speaking over the weekend to Times Radio, Steele discussed recent demonstrations taking place across the UK in response to three young girls being stabbed to death by a second-generation migrant.

“I think it’s clear there is some Russian involvement,” the disgraced ex-spy said. “The degree to which that’s happened and the effectiveness I think is still out for question. I mean, when you look at the original disinformation that surrounded the Southport killings, that does seem to have come from a Russian-linked website.”

Regarding the recent protests against mass migration, Steele said MI6 “will be looking very carefully at the instigators of these activities, including people like Tommy Robinson, even conceivably Nigel Farage, who incidentally said that we were being misinformed by the government about Southport”.

According to Steele, British intelligence will be “looking at things like their travel movements, who they’ve been in touch with, monetary transfers, and so on, because that will reveal or not, as the case may be, a pattern of behaviour, which can lead to some conclusions about the degree to which Russia has been interfering in this situation”.

Robinson pointed out on X that Steele is the same person who has already been caught lying about Donald Trump being connected to Russia in the “Steele Dossier” paid for by Hillary Clinton in order to hide her email scandal.

The former spy said he thinks the UK government should be surveilling “communications, looking at travel” and “looking at financial transfers” for Farage and Robinson.

Ex-MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove and former UK Security Minister Stephen McPartland also said two weeks ago Russia is spreading “disinformation” to incite Brits to riot.

Dearlove blamed Russian “bots” for stirring up the British people, explaining, “We’re in a state of grey warfare with Russia. We may not feel that we are, [but] they certainly think they are, and the information space – and the exploitation of that space – is a fundamental tactic in their conflict with the West.”

“So if these bots have been used to stir up through social media a violent response, I’m not the slightest bit surprised,” he added. “People don’t just seem to understand the extent of the Russian attitude to conflict and the way that every aspect of their relationship with us will be seen as a basis for attacking us.”

McPartland stated, “The tragic events in Southport are being mobilised by hostile states to stir up hatred and division instead of letting the community grieve. We need much more cyber-resilience throughout our whole society and economy to defend democracy.”

The British people are fed up with being overrun with foreign migrants who are given light punishments by prosecutors all while being demonized as “far-right racists” for daring to push back against the invasion.

It’s clearly the UN Great Replacement agenda that is pissing off UK citizens, not Russian bots disseminating misinformation.

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