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Is There Any Cure to the Covid-19 Vaccine? Dr Lee Merritt Responds: Live Shows 8/31/22

Is there a detox available for the clot shot?

The blueprint to defeat the NWO is now here! Order Alex Jones' new book about The Great Reset before it's too late! Link in this article!

Is There Any Cure to the Covid-19 Vaccine? Dr Lee Merritt Responds: Live Shows 8/31/22 Image Credit: Przemyslaw Klos / EyeEm

Owen Shroyer discusses detoxifying from the Covid jab with Dr. Lee Merritt during this LIVE Wednesday transmission of War Room. Guest host Kristi Leigh then takes over with Dr. Angelina Farella. You don’t want to miss this informative broadcast!

Alex Jones’ book The Great Reset & The War for the World is now available! Order the blueprint to defeat the NWO today!

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