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Hillary Attacks ‘Shameless Gun Worshipers’ Who Are Against ‘Sensible’ Control Legislation

Accuses Second Amendment advocates of trying to keep people really riled up and scared""

Hillary Attacks ‘Shameless Gun Worshipers’ Who Are Against ‘Sensible’ Control Legislation Image Credit: Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Hillary Clinton has declared Republicans who are against gun control legislation to be “gun worshippers”, and ridiculed them for being “scared” that their rights are being taken away.

Appearing on her own former communications director’s podcast, Clinton declared “You know, democracy is the balancing of interests and rights, and unfortunately at this time, the gun worshipers have a huge advantage because of the filibuster and because of their shameless exploitation of people’s unwarranted fears.”

Hillary specifically singled out Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who last week labelled Democrats’ gun control efforts in the wake of shootings in Atlanta and Colorado as “ridiculous theater”.

Clinton proclaimed that “The opportunists on the other side, like Cruz and his ilk, they know better and they are in the position of trying to keep people really riled up and scared that sensible gun legislation like we had in the ‘90s for 10 years will somehow undermine their rights.”

“Well, what about the rights of all the rest of us? The rights of us to go to work, go shopping, go on dates to the movie theater, go to school, for heaven’s sake — what about the rest of us?” she continued.

After announcing he is considering executive action, Joe Biden told reporters on Sunday he believes Congress will pass “rational gun control” measures.

“The only gun control legislation that’s ever passed is mine. It’s going to happen again,” Biden Declared.

Owen joins Tom live from the southern border to report on the crisis now being exploited by the cartel.


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