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Illegal Alien Deaths Surged 1,000% Under Biden in Remote Texas Border County

"It’s a lot on our resources, because a lot times we’re pulled away from doing our normal jobs in Terrell County," Sheriff Thaddeus Cleveland tells Border Hawk

Illegal Alien Deaths Surged 1,000% Under Biden in Remote Texas Border County Image Credit: Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

The number of illegal aliens who died in a West Texas border county skyrocketed during the Biden era.

With approximately 700 residents, remote Terrell County has one of the lowest populations in the U.S.

Nonetheless, illegal crossings and related emergencies surged over the past four years, presenting stiff challenges for local law enforcement and emergency responders.

During Fiscal Year 2021, Terrell County saw a 300% explosion in illegal alien apprehensions and gotaways, and even steeper increases during subsequent years as the Biden invasion reached historic levels.

“We’ve gone from about one death per year to a total of 42 during this presidential administration,” Terrell County Sheriff Thaddeus Cleveland told immigration news outlet Border Hawk during a recent ride along.

“That’s tremendous for our office and for our medical personnel that often respond if we get a 911 call, maybe just before someone passes away. It’s a lot on our resources, because a lot times we’re pulled away from doing our normal jobs in Terrell County, in the town of Sanderson, to come out and start recovering bodies.”

As a veteran Border Patrol agent of 26 years, Sheriff Cleveland treats his current position on the nation’s southern frontier as one of utmost importance in protecting not only local residents, but the country as a whole.

“Our service was to the United States, but even now, as a sheriff here in little, old Terrell County, it’s still to benefit America, not just Texas,” he said.

The sheriff cautioned American citizens and lawmakers against becoming complacent with the return Donald Trump the White House, warning that border hawks need to “get out and advocate and educate and continue to be that voice.”

“There’s still a lot of work to be done.”

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