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Jesse Ventura Backs Kamala: “It’s Time for a Woman President”

Ventura said he wanted to see Kamala as president for selfish" reasons"

We men have screwed it up enough

Jesse Ventura Backs Kamala: “It’s Time for a Woman President” Image Credit: Twitter Screenshot

Former Minnesota governor, professional wrestler and film star Jesse Ventura announced that he would be endorsing Kamala Harris for the presidency.

Appearing on CNN on Friday, Ventura said that his main reasons for doing so was “selfish:” because he wants to live long enough to see the first female president.

“I’ve only got a few elections to go, I’m 73 years old now, so the window’s closing. I want to be alive to see the first woman President of the United States of America, and the first woman Commander in Chief, and we’ve got her right now.

Ventura was asked to confirm whether he was indeed endorsing Kamala Harris

“Yes, I want to see a woman President. It’s time for a woman president.”

Ventura added that, “We men have screwed it up enough.”

Ventura was also asked about the Trump-Vance campaign’s recent attacks on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s military record.

“I think it’s shameful. I think it’s shameful that a veteran would attack another veteran. Governor Walz served honorably for 24 years in the National Guard. After 20 years you are eligible to retire at any time you deem necessary.”

Ventura went on to say that the main issue with Walz missing deployment to Iraq was that the war itself was illegal, and the National Guard should not have been sent there in the first place.

Ventura has repeatedly criticized Donald Trump in recent years, claiming that Trump “copied everything” from him for his 2016 presidential run and suggesting, in 2020, that if he had been on the debate stage with Trump, “somebody would have gotten his tie tightened.”

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