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Merriam-Webster Dictionary Changes Definition of ‘Bloodbath’ — Satire

Fortunately for the Democrats and lying mainstream media, bloodbath" is now defined as "Trump will kill everyone if he wins the election.""

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Changes Definition of ‘Bloodbath’ — Satire

Merriam-Webster dictionary changed its definition of “bloodbath” to fit the Democrat narrative that former President Donald Trump called for political violence against his enemies while discussing the auto industry.

Previously, Merriam-Webster defined “bloodbath” — in the context of Trump’s remarks — as a “a major economic disaster.”

But the old definition doesn’t comport with the new media thought police definition, so it now means “Trump is going to kill everyone if he wins the election.”

Congratulations to Merriam-Webster for clearing that up and saving democracy in the process!

Watch Trump’s dangerous calls for violence for yourself! Make sure to disregard the larger context about the auto industry, or you’re an insurrectionist.

Good thing Democrats would NEVER use the term “bloodbath”!

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