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MI6 Chief Faces Backlash For Saying Ukraine War is About LGBT Rights

We're all f**ked.""

MI6 Chief Faces Backlash For Saying Ukraine War is About LGBT Rights Image Credit: Stefan Rousseau - PA Images via Getty Images

The head of MI6, who includes his preferred pronouns in his Twitter bio, faced backlash for suggesting that a large part of the war in Ukraine was about “LGBT+ rights.”

Yes, really.

Richard Moore (he/him), leader of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, made the comments in a Twitter thread.

“With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022,” he wrote.

Moore then went on to describe the experiences of an LBGT agent who told him, “I had to move for the job when I joined #MI6, so I was relieved to find out there was an LGBT+ network group. Through the group I’ve made some great friends in the office, and it’s reassuring to know it’s there for support if I need it.”

Quite how any of this relates to Russia’s bombardment of Ukraine and the innumerable violent street battles now taking place across the country is anyone’s guess.

“Is this supposed to motivate Ukrainian nationalists or demoralize them?” asked Chris Menahan.

Other Twitter users reacted with a mixture of confusion and derision.

“My only hope is this is some sort of top secret coded message. Otherwise we’re all fucked,” said one.

“Yes, the values of Western civilization didn’t exist until the creation of LGBTQIA2S+ rights in the 1960s. You virtue signalling idiot. The only hard won freedom I want is from woke ideologues like you,” added another.

“We are at the brink of World War 3 and all you can do is virtue signal over what people do with their private parts. Absolute joke,” remarked another.

As we highlighted last week, MI6 also marked the day Putin invaded Ukraine by tweeting about the success of their gay coffee morning.

The Times also revealed how MI6 spies have been told to consider their “white privilege” and avoid using offensive words like “manpower” and “grip” as part of an effort to improve “diversity and inclusion in the security services.”

“Critics have argued that security officials should have been less focused on inclusion and more alert to events in Afghanistan and Ukraine,” reported the newspaper.



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