Alex Jones exposes how the Patriot Act that was brought in under the scapegoat of fighting radical Islamic terror was a cover to prosecute American citizens as domestic terrorists for non-terror related crimes.
In particular, Jones noted over a decade ago how states beta-tested the Patriot Act thousands of times against U.S. citizens for non-terror crimes in the years after it passed in 2005.
“No judge, no jury, no due process,” Jones said.
Additionally, the Patriot Act has been expanded to include domestic surveillance against political activists and journalists.
Fast-forward to today, January 2022. The January 6 House Select Committee has vowed to target Trump supporters and individuals who question the rigged 2020 election.
The Justice Department has announced that anybody who questions their authority will be considered domestic terrorists.
This is the globalists’ endgame: use the national security apparatus built in the name of protecting Americans to then persecute them.