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PRIDE MONTH Is Decadent And Depraved

The establishment is using gay culture to groom children

PRIDE MONTH Is Decadent And Depraved Image Credit:

Once upon a time America placed supreme importance on innocence. It was at the heart of American Culture. It was such a given that protecting innocence was unnecessary. Presently, in the era of Wokeness, a cancer has infiltrated America at the root of all that we as American citizens hold sacred, our children.

The normalization of the sexualization of children is rampant. What seems business as usual every Thanksgiving at the traditional Macy’s family values celebration in New York City serves as a template now hosted by local news MCs in California.

What is Pride? Is it the sexualization of everyone? Because, for most people that is a nausea-inducing environment. Hey each to their own, but you sure as hell don’t see heterosexuals fornicating in the streets at the Macy’s Day Parade in front of their children.

Meanwhile, real hate, mass formation psychosis and government-backed totalitarian vigor energize the woke left into a dangerous mob.

The neo-Marxist mob will not adhere to the demands of millions of parents across America. Parents simply stating, live your lifestyle but leave our children alone. The pushback is increasing. This isn’t January 6th. This is Poppa and Momma bear versus the system.

Meanwhile, Pride events infect Elementary Schools while a religious protester’s 1st Amendment is violated in broad daylight as clueless and decimated local police are caught in the middle of total Sodom and Gomorrah madness. This police officer is actually completely useless. He serves only to advocate for child sexual abuse.

At the end of the day, Pride month serves only one purpose. Because the time to respect the Gay lifestyle is no longer its purpose after our children literally became its target. Pride month serves to destabilize the American family, and more importantly, the patriarchy that sits idly by, as the United States careens into a monolithic woke ideological system where the family is on a slippery slope to become the property of the state. And once that happens, all property is next. Then, after many more have been sacrificed to the burning pyres of Moloch in a horrific technocratic new world order end game scenario. The History of humanity will once again repeat itself. Or it may finally stop.

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