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Red Alert! Leaked Zoom Meetings Show Soros-Linked Groups Plotting Post-Election “Coup”

Federal workers and Democrat activists caught orchestrating a shutdown" of Washington


Red Alert! Leaked Zoom Meetings Show Soros-Linked Groups Plotting Post-Election “Coup” Image Credit: Infowars

Documents and videos exposing a left-wing “coup” being planned by liberal federal workers and activists were leaked online Sunday.

A political organization called the Sunshine Movement, which claims to be an environmental activist group working to “stop climate change,” is behind the coordinated effort.

The information was made public by a member of the group who hopes to warn Americans of the far-left mobilization movement.

After allegedly handing the information over to law enforcement, the leaker posted photos and videos to two websites, and

In the meetings, members discussed shutting down the White House, other federal buildings, public transportation hubs and more.

“It’s a coup. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not,” one woman blatantly admits during a call.

One woman celebrated a Harry S. Truman quote where he complained bureaucrats tied his hands as president, saying, “We, as federal workers have power.”

Speaking about the leftist groups, “Shut Down DC,” “Choose Democracy,” “Hold The Line,” and others, one woman said, “They’re the ones who are really in the vanguard of helping people think about different actions that can be taken well beyond street protests.”

In a leaked Zoom call between members of “Shut Down DC,” an individual was caught saying, “We have been in discussion for a couple of months about how to respond to different contested election scenarios.”

“The first step is we think we need to start the post-election phase in the streets, so we invite everyone to come to BLM (Black Lives Matter) Plaza any time after 4:00 on election night,” the left-wing activist continued. “On the 5th, we’re going to shut down the White House. On the 6th, we’re going to shut down larger parts of D.C., and then the following week, all the mainstream groups are going to come to D.C. and try to have a march on the 7th.”

On the same Zoom call, far-left organizer Lisa Fithian asked her co-conspirators, “Is there going to be a war? Are people going to get killed? Like, is that on anybody else’s mind? I’m guessing it is. We’re gonna see potential fighting all over the county or in some hotspots.”

“Whoever’s got the guns can win – let’s take over the buildings!” she added. “We are going to be in a crisis but we want it to be one that we are creating. We want to make sure that we are on the offense and not the defense. We want them to be responding to us and not us responding to them.”

The group has also created a list showing activists the locations of “police stations, key government buildings, media outlets and Trump boosters,” for targeting.

Fithian asked, “What would it take to surround the White House and have people do stuff? We have to be willing to put our bodies on the line and take on some discomfort, sacrifice, risk in order to change things.”

Continuing, Fithian began speaking as if America is already in a hot Civil War, telling her comrades, “We didn’t cause the war, we didn’t ask for this war, but many of us are here because we want to fight it.”

The Sunrise Movement was created by a former director of the globalist organization The Sierra Club and other top liberal activists in 2017.

The Sierra Club is also heavily backed by liberal billionaire donor George Soros via his network Democracy Alliance.

Investigative journalist Robbie Jaeger wrote last year, “Sadly, the Sunrise Movement’s association with big donor money, and Democracy Alliance [Soros] in particular, persists to this day. Another one of their recommended investments, a dark money organization named New Media Ventures, lists the Sunrise Movement as a partner on their website — though it is unclear the extent of their working relationship. It is worth noting, however, that one of NMV’s board members is Julie Kohler, who is a long-tenured employee of Democracy Alliance.”

The movement pushing Americans to refuse the results of the upcoming election has been plotted for months.

Breitbart reported in September, “Under the guise of seeking to ‘prevent a constitutional crisis,’ a massive network of well funded left-wing activists and progressive groups are training, organizing, and planning to mobilize millions of Americans should President Trump ‘contest the election results,’ refuse to concede, or claim an early victory.”

More than 80 advocacy groups and grassroots organizations have joined in a broad coalition calling itself ‘Protect the Results‘ and proclaiming that ‘we cannot ignore the threat that Trump poses to our democracy and a peaceful transition of power.’

Go to or for more information on the coup plot.

Watch Infowars’ coverage of the left-wing coup plot in this segment from Monday’s edition of The David Knight Show.

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