Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly reiterated his commitment to preventing Ukraine from joining NATO hours after meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday.
Following the Macron-Putin conference, the Russian president held a press conference to warn the world of the consequences should his nation be further provoked.
“I want to stress it one more time,” Putin said. “I’ve been saying it, but I’d very much want you to finally hear me, and to deliver it to your audience in print, TV and online. Do you understand it or not, that if Ukraine joins Nato and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means, the European countries will be automatically pulled into a war conflict with Russia?”
Putin admitted that Russia’s military capabilities cannot compete with all of NATO’s before noting his country is one of the world’s leaders in nuclear weaponry.
“There will be no winners,” the Russian president said of a hypothetical war. “You will be called into conflict against your will. You won’t even have time to blink your eye when you execute Article Five.”
Next, Putin motioned offstage towards President Macron and said, of course, neither of them want a violent conflict to take place.
This is why Macron “is here torturing me for six hours,” Putin joked.
On Monday, Alex Jones warned viewers of the chance a world war kicks off soon as the global elite are beginning to lose control of their grip on humanity.