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RED ALERT: The Final Battle For Infowars Is Upon Us

Alex Jones warns: "The globalist Deep State just took their war on free speech, our very identities and our very freedoms to the next level."

RED ALERT: The Final Battle For Infowars Is Upon Us Image Credit:

“Infowars is facing its potential end, but that’s not enough, they want to shut ME down,” said Jones on his Friday broadcast. “I want the enemy to know we’re getting massive support and that we’re getting the top lawyers to defeat their attempt to literally put me as a 13th Amendment indentured slave.”

“The precedent is being set to literally steal my identity and shut down Infowars. The globalist Deep State just took their war on free speech, our very identities and our very freedoms to the next level. They have now introduced a lawsuit against me where they literally claim they own my name, my social media, and me personally in violation of the 13th Amendment that we fought the Civil War over.”

“They’re actually saying that I’m an indentured servant, that I am a slave. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m always the canary in the coal mine. I am the test case. When they get through me, they’re coming after you,” Jones added.

The globalists are intent on silencing all opposition before they make their final moves!

Please visit NOW to help Alex against this dangerous lawfare!

RELATED: Election Emergency! The Desperate Democrat Deep State Has Launched A New Attempt To Take Alex Jones Off The Air By October 17th!

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