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Shock Video: Delusional Parents Say They Began Transitioning Child at Age 1, Claim ‘She Knew Since Birth’

'She's been telling us since she could speak,' say pro-trans parents demonstrating outside Supreme Court.

Shock Video: Delusional Parents Say They Began Transitioning Child at Age 1, Claim ‘She Knew Since Birth’ Image Credit:, @DailySignal

Pro-trans parents protesting outside the US Supreme Court on Thursday shockingly told reporters they began transitioning their child to a different gender at the tender age of one.

Speaking to a Daily Signal reporter outside the courthouse in Washington DC, as the SCOTUS deliberated the merits and risks of allowing irreversible sex change surgeries for minors, in addition to gender-bending drugs, the parents admitted they were there to support the rights of their “daughter” Violet.

“We’re supporting our child Violet and her access to the medical care that she needs,” one parent stated.

“Yeah, we’re here for her rights and her ability to be who she is, and she’s not gonna let anybody silence her and we’re not going to stand in her way,” stated the other parent.

Saying they’re concerned the SCOTUS ruling could affect doctors prescribing so-called “gender-affirming care” in their home state of Arizona, the couple went on to claim their child knew they were transgender right when they were born.

“And what age do you think most trans kids determine that they’re trans?” the reporter asked.

“Violet told us when she was one and a half,” the mother replied. “She’s been telling us since she could speak. So she knew since birth.”

The couple was lambasted on social media, with many calling for them to be investigated and jailed.


Check out Infowars’ coverage of this week’s SCOTUS case:

SCOTUS Justice Alito Obliterates Notion Of Allowing Trans Surgeries & Drugs For Kids

Liberal SCOTUS Justices Make Bizarre Excuses For Supporting Child Sex Change Operations

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