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Southport: The End of the Line

It’s clear multiculturalism and liberal leadership are to blame for rising violence. We need to take drastic measures.

Southport: The End of the Line Image Credit: Getty Images / Stringer / Getty

Southport is the end of the line for me, I’m afraid. I refuse to play this game any longer. So “No” Prime Minister Starmer, you do not speak for me—I am not remotely “shocked” that the caravan of mass slaughter has made an unscheduled stop in Southport. “Au contraire,” Your Majesties, I do not find it difficult to “imagine what the families, friends and loved ones are going through” (and doubtless, given time neither will the rest of you). And it’s “Uh-uh” to you too, Home Secretary Cooper, my “thoughts and prayers” already have a prior engagement; resigned to the hope that the “refugees welcome” conniving bastards like you are one day held accountable for the blood on your hands. I’m sick of it all, but mostly I’m sick of the innocent picking up the bar tab for the multicultural piss-up they were denied entry to.

As the tally currently stands, it’s three beautiful princesses dead and a further nine seriously injured at the hands of an unknown savage. The perpetrators of these unholy acts don’t just stick to targeting politicians. It’s innocent children they invariably favour—the younger and purer the better. Slashing the throats of toddlers was about as much of a challenge Syrian “refugee” Abdalmasih Hanoun could stomach in Annecy last June. The Algerian, Riad Bouchaker, made much the same calculation in Parnell Square, Dublin last November. Thus far, pretty much all we know about the bloodbath in Stockport is that we definitely don’t know anything.

We know this because the media and the authorities have assured us of their utter incuriosity. The furthest Merseyside Police were prepared to go was a “17-year-old boy from the village of Banks.” For clarity, they added the following:

The youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons and is originally from Cardiff, moved to the Southport area with his Rwandan parents when he was aged six.

Funnily enough, every Llewelyn Jones I’ve ever met has a remarkably similar story.

Chief Constable Serena Kennedy treated us to the full “I know it looks like terrorism, but we don’t want you to think it’s terrorism – even though we think it’s terrorism” routine:

The investigation is in its early stages, and the motivation for the incident remains unclear. However, Counter-Terrorism Police North West have offered their support to Merseyside Police, as the full circumstances of what has happened are being established. At this moment in time, the investigation is not being treated as terrorist related.

Not to be outdone, Councillor Marion Atkinson just went for good old-fashioned gaslighting:

We know this has caused concern and upset in the local community and while there is no immediate threat to the public, we will be providing help and support in the coming days and weeks.

“Concern and upset”’ Marion? “No immediate threat”? Well, I suppose the lad’s gotta break out of clink first, right?

The media meanwhile, were having a field day. “Two children die and nine injured after ‘ferocious’ knife attack in Southport,” smirked The Guardian, as though the adjective “ferocious” was a bit racy for a mere attempted massacre. The BBC went one better: “Two children dead and nine injured in dance workshop” (the “stabbing” part regrettably too long for the web page to include), making it sound like the workshop itself was responsible for the carnage.

Not content with that, BBC News’ Home Affairs Correspondent, Daniel Sandford, was at a loss when quizzed about recent mass stabbings in Britain (Reading, Streatham, London Bridge?), and had to go back to Dunblane 1996. Sure, it was a mass shooting rather than a stabbing, but at least it had the preferred white male perpetrator in the title role:

Had it been a white Brit in Southport, we’d have had his name, his age, and his mum’s Reform UK membership card by teatime. Of course, there’s always the danger that the public might overreact and insensitively object to the slaughter or maiming of their daughters. Luckily, seasoned pro and Mayor of Liverpool City Region, Steve Rotheram, urged them not to spread “unconfirmed speculation and false information.”

Question: How do they know it’s “false” if they don’t know what it is yet?

Social media reports should of course be taken with a pinch of salt. But there comes a point when the official line is so corrupt, the alternatives have to be considered. The Spectator writer, Steven Barrett, claims police have contacted him to say that their priority re the stabbings is that “our response is managed.” I find that spectacularly easy to believe.

The Liberal response, on the other hand, does not need management: it’s identical, no matter how disparate the facts. Suppose the assailant turns out to be “Gareth Thomas,” Valleys born and bred. In that case, he’ll be a paid-up member of the far-right faster than you can say “Nigel Farage.” If on the other hand, he turns out to be an asylum seeker, illegal immigrant or Muslim, then it’s the far-right that radicalised him. Win-win!

But even sticking with the official line, we have an enormous problem on our hands. The 17-year-old in question was born in Britain. That’s not quite the “own” the Left thinks it is. Not only then has multiculturalism failed as our ultra-liberal leaders keep telling us, it’s an aggressive cancer that’s metastasising. The fact is that 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants to Britain are more radical than their parents—which means the time bomb is ticking and gets deadlier the longer you leave it.

How did we get to this? Even in my lifetime, Britain is now unrecognisable—and I don’t just mean the demographics. The police will now protect your pronouns but not your person; Tommy Robinson is more likely to have his collar felt than Anjem Choudary; and the architects of Britain’s demise, the Labour Party, have just been re-elected with the largest majority in their history. Something’s got to give.   

The Left may simper, “This is no time for knee-jerk reactions.” But they are of course wrong. Knee-jerk reactions are underrated at the best of times, but in response to the attempted mass slaughter of little girls, I’d be tempted to shoot first and ask questions very, very much later.

 This is what now needs to happen in Britain with immediate effect:

  • The Channel migrant farce needs to end today; no ifs, no buts. Not one, single illegal migrant should make it onto the beach at Dover before he’s thrown back into his dinghy, and towed back to mainland France.
  • The asylum backlog needs to be cleared as a priority, with circa 95% rejected rather than accepted.
  • The estimated 1.2 million illegal migrants in Britain (those are the ‘official’ figures, mind) need to be rounded up and deported.
  • Order needs to be restored on our streets, and that means an end to two-tier policing. The Army can be deployed if necessary.
  • Every ghetto, mosque and madrasa from which extremism appears to emanate needs to be investigated, radically overhauled or closed as necessary.
  • Any lingering enemies of Britain desirous of committing criminal acts are free to languish at His Majesty’s pleasure. Prisons cut crime and save lives; more can be built.
  • The cost of this is obviously immaterial, considering the lives it will save and the already shocking degree of waste in the public purse, but we could certainly make a start with the £15 billion Foreign Aid Budget, Ed Milliband’s £11.6 billion Climate Aid, and Ukraine’s “£3 billion a year as long as it takes.”

Doubtless, a few lefty lawyers, NGOs, world leaders and the ECHR will object to such policies. So what? What are they going to do, invade us?!

As a fresh, incoming Prime Minister, Keir Starmer now has a golden opportunity to get tough on terrorism and put the country back on track, starting with the above as a bare minimum. He won’t do any of it, of course, which is why civil war is regrettably inevitable.

I don’t mean the civil war ten years down the line; I mean the one that’s been waging for years. It’s just that our leaders have convinced us to look the other way, and only one side has been fighting. There is unrest everywhere you look on the streets of Britain: whether it’s pro-Palestine thuggery or the riots in Leicester and Leeds. The difference is, there is suddenly a palpable sense that the British have had enough.

This weekend’s peaceful “We want our country back” demonstration in Trafalgar Square may just have been the calm before the storm. Let’s hope our politicians break the habit of a lifetime, and start prioritising the safety of the British people. If they do not, things are going to get real ugly very soon.

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