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Tucker Reacts To Presidential Debate, Scorches Media For Pretending to Be Shocked That Biden Has Dementia

It takes about 15 seconds to determine the leader of the most powerful country in the world

with this mass nuclear arsenal

Tucker Reacts To Presidential Debate, Scorches Media For Pretending to Be Shocked That Biden Has Dementia Image Credit: screenshot/YouTube

Tucker Carlson delivered an epic analysis of the dishonest media in Sydney, Australia, Saturday over Joe Biden’s disastrous debate debacle.

“I watched CNN today and they had the presidential debate the US presidential debate and maybe some of you saw it and if you did, well, it was amazing. It was amazing on every level,” Carlson told the audience at the Australian Freedom Conference.

“But what was especially amazing was afterward, they went to the panel of assembled Democratic operatives posing as journalists, and all of them were, like, shocked to discover that Joe Biden has dementia, like they couldn’t believe it.”

“He certainly does,” he continued. “Like everybody knows, everybody knows because they have, I can’t remember, the internet, and it has video on it and it takes about 15 seconds to determine the leader of the most powerful country in the world, with this mass nuclear arsenal, involved in two simultaneous wars, doesn’t know what day it is, and that’s really scary.”

“But if you come to the United States and you’re in the media envelope, this like, fake worlds created by this disinformation specialists who run our media, that’s never mentioned at all,” Carlson added.

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