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Video: Johnny Depp Calls For People To “Stand Up” Against Cancel Culture

“It’s so far out of hand now that I can promise you that no one is safe.”

Video: Johnny Depp Calls For People To “Stand Up” Against Cancel Culture Image Credit: Screenshot

Film star Johnny Depp slammed cancel culture this week, urging people to “stand up” against those who seek to destroy the lives of others with an “instant rush to judgement”.

Speaking at the San Sebastian Film Festival, Depp said “It can be seen as an event in history that lasted for however long it lasted for, this cancel culture, or this instant rush to judgement based on essentially what amounts to polluted air that’s exhaled.”

The Pirates Of The Caribbean star continued, “It’s so far out of hand now that I can promise you that no one is safe. Not one of you. Not anyone out that door. No one is safe.”

“As long as someone is willing, it takes one sentence and there’s no more ground, the carpet’s has been pulled,” Depp urged.

Apparently referring to his recent libel case against reporters for labelling him a ‘wife beater’, Depp stated “It’s not just me that this has happened to, it’s happened to a lot of people. This type of thing has happened to women, men, children who’ve suffered from various types of unpleasantries, sadly at a certain point they begin to think that it’s normal. Or that it’s them. When it’s not.”

Depp urged “It doesn’t matter if a judgement, per se, has taken some artistic license. When there’s an injustice, whether it’s against you or someone you love, or someone you believe in – stand up, don’t sit down. Don’t sit down on ’em, cause they need you.”


As we recently noted, a survey found that the most ardent generational opponents of ‘cancel culture’ is Gen Z.

The Morning Consult poll revealed that 55% of Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2008, have an overwhelmingly negative opinion of cancel culture compared to just 8% in the same age group who think the opposite.

Cancel culture and ‘woke’ puritanism is having such a profound impact on society, that even the likes of Barack Obama are speaking out against it.


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