In remarkably ill thought out comments, MSNBC Nicolle Wallace claimed during the network’s coverage of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that the current COVID situation in America is like a 9/11 happening “every two days.”
In cringe anchor small talk, fake news originator Brian Williams asked Wallace “Are you ever struck by the thought that on the 40th, 50th anniversary we will look back, perhaps, at some of these pictures and be reminded, oh, yeah, that’s when we were all wearing masks?”
Williams added, “That’s when even our presidents and former presidents had to wear masks in public because of our uncontrolled pandemic in 2021?”
Wallace then responded, “I think there are so many parallels to how much more difficult it is to do any of the things that anyone who has spoken today has done, to call the country to a higher purpose.”
Shamelessly using 9/11 to defend Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates, Wallace then said “You’ve got politicians and prominent folks in the media outraged by steps that a president, not too many presidents after the one we heard from today, would try to save his country from an unthinkable death toll.”
Wallace then declared that “As many people die every two days as died on September 11 in this country, who don’t have to die.”
Is Wallace getting her numbers from Stephen King?
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