Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams says when he attempted to raise the issue of illegal aliens flooding his city with the Biden admin, he was essentially told to pipe down and stay in line.
Speaking with Tucker Carlson this week, the Big Apple mayor discussed his belief he was indicted for challenging the Biden administration’s immigration policies.
“I spoke with the president himself,” Mayor Adams told Carlson. “I spoke with the president first then the president came here to New York City, the governor and I sat down with the president and I said, ‘Mr. President, I’m not sure what they’re telling you about this problem, but this is a terrible problem that’s playing out on the ground that we need to fix our border and we need to just stop allowing people to come into the country with no destiny. We don’t know what we’re doing with them.'”
“And they were stuck. There was some that were coming here that were almost six months to a year, in some cases, two years without any work authorization. Like, what do you do with someone that cannot provide for themselves for that long period of time?”
“What do you do?” Carlson asked.
“We have to house them,” Adams answered. “We have to feed, clothes, house, educate 40,000 children, hold them into a shelter system…the complete package of what you would do for an adult that can’t take care of themselves.”
“And so you tell the president and his aides this and what do they say?” Carlson asked.
“Basically: Be a good Democrat, Eric,” the mayor responded.
“That was the basic overall theme,” he continued, “You know, one of his aides told me that, ‘Listen, this is like a gallstone. It’ll a pass,'” he continued, adding, “It’ll hurt now, but it’ll pass.”
“Well, you pee it out then,” Carlson jested.
Mayor Adams earned the ire of the Democrat establishment after speaking out against the border crisis, claiming it was eroding the “quality of life” in NYC.
Following his criticisms of the Biden administration, Adams – who was accused of bribery – and several members of his cabinet had their homes raided by federal agents in Sept. 2024, while other key figures of his administration resigned.
After the indictments, Adams denounced the charges and said he’d fight back against them.
Now, with the Biden administration out of power, the public may finally discover the truth behind Mayor Adams’ political persecution.
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