After seeing reports of an illegal “mass grave” outside Mariupol, Ukraine being photographed by a satellite, Canadian independent journalist Eva K. Bartlett went to the site to further investigate the claim.
An NBC headline posted Friday read, “Satellite imagery points to mass gravesite near besieged Mariupol.”
However, later in the article, NBC admitted the information was delivered by “Ukrainian officials” and that the satellite image shows “a possible mass gravesite.”
According to the Washington Post, “The Mariupol City Council said in a statement on Telegram that officials believe up to 9,000 civilians could be buried in the mass grave, where authorities said Russians forces ‘dug new trenches and filled them with corpses every day throughout April.’ The council added that it has information indicating the bodies were ‘buried in several layers.’”
The outlet went on to admit, “There was no immediate independent verification available of those claims.”
Mainstream media ran with the Ukrainian government’s word regardless of the fact that nobody verified the claims.
Mariupol’s Mayor Vadym Boichenko, who has since fled the city, used the alleged mass grave to paint Putin as a genocide-committing Nazi.
“The biggest war crime of the 21st century was committed in Mariupol,” he told his citizens. “This is the new Babyn Yar. Then, Hitler killed Jews, Roma, and Slavs. Now, Putin is destroying Ukrainians. We need to do everything we can to stop the genocide.”
Upon arriving at the location, Bartlett found no “mass grave” and was able to talk with the caretakers of the cemetery who confirmed every person at the site had their own coffin and their own hole in the ground.
RT journalist Roman Kosarev joined Bartlett on the investigative trip outside Mariupol on Saturday.
The pair found a massive cemetery with freshly dug individual gravesites and dozens of empty holes awaiting more deceased locals.
While Bartlett filmed the hundreds of graves, two men who work at the location arrived.
The men explained that there is one area for civilians to be buried and another area for Ukrainian soldiers to be buried.
There is a process for identifying and labeling those who are being put to rest at the cemetery as well.
“There is no mass grave or mass burials here,” one man told the camera.
Despite the mainstream media’s headlines telling Americans Russians engaged in a war crime by dumping thousands of dead Ukrainians in a massive pit being disproved, don’t expect any front-page headlines announcing a correction anytime soon.