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Viktor Orbán Refuses to Punish Hungarian Families For Russia-Ukraine War

Will not allow the price of war" to be paid by the poor."

Viktor Orbán Refuses to Punish Hungarian Families For Russia-Ukraine War Image Credit: Leon Neal via Getty Images

Unlike other western nations that have told poor people to swallow the cost of economic sanctions against Russia, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says he will not punish Hungarian families.

The Biden administration has banned imports of Russian oil and gas with immediate effect.

“Russian oil will no longer be acceptable at US ports and the American people will deal another powerful blow to [Vladimir] Putin’s war machine,” Biden said.

Americans are being told by legacy media outlets like the Washington Post that they’ll have to accept gas prices beyond $4 dollars well into the future because, “Facing down Putin is worth the price.”

In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the government would phase out the import of Russian oil by the end of the year.

Despite Russian supplies only making up 8 per cent of overall oil imports into the UK, petrol and diesel prices are already skyrocketing and and UK households face the worst real income decline in decades.

Meanwhile, in Hungary, Viktor Orbán has vowed not to punish people in his own country for what is happening in Ukraine.

“It is clear that we are all interested in ending this war as soon as possible and in a negotiated manner,” Orbán declared, adding that he opposed oil and gas sanctions due to the economic burden they would place on Hungarian families.

“The extension of sanctions to the energy sector, oil and gas sector would be a disproportionate burden for Hungary. That is why I have made it clear that we condemn Russia’s armed attack, we also condemn the war, but we will not allow the price of the war to be paid to Hungarian families! Therefore, sanctions should not be extended to oil and gas,” he said.

With 90 per cent of Hungarian families heating their homes with gas and the country importing the majority of its oil and natural gas from Russia, supporting such sanctions would cripple the country.

Orbán’s sentiments were echoed by Pavol Kubík, a spokesman for the Slovak gas transmission company Slovak Eustream.

“At present, there is no effective substitute for Russian gas supplies, and stopping them would do more damage to the EU than to Russia,” Kubík said, adding, “The supply would clearly decrease, which would have various regional consequences.”



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