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Watch James O’Keefe Confront Pfizer VP About Company’s Covid Profits & Manipulation Of Viruses

Big Pharma employee put on blast

Watch James O’Keefe Confront Pfizer VP About Company’s Covid Profits & Manipulation Of Viruses Image Credit: omg screenshot

O’Keefe Media Group founder James O’Keefe approached Pfizer Vice President of Government Relations Josh Brown during a recent school board meeting.

The journalist was questioning Brown about a previous undercover video report where a Pfizer employee made shocking statements about the company mutating viruses behind the public’s back and how Covid was a “cash cow” that was good for Big Pharma.

Brown refused to answer whether or not the employee in the undercover footage is still employed by Pfizer, and instead walked out of the building and drove away with no comment.

One board member chastised O’Keefe and other journalists at the meeting, and another said she didn’t care that Brown is a top Pfizer employee.

Alex Jones has been exposing the Big Pharma clot shots since the beginning of the mRNA rollout. Don’t miss the following video for more information!

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