Whoopi Goldberg of “The View” targeted the host of HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher” on Monday after he declared he is fed up with the left’s loony Covid paranoia.
Goldberg played a clip from Friday’s “Real Time” airing where Maher told his crowd, “I don’t want to live in your paranoid world anymore, your masked paranoid world, you know? You go out, it’s silly now you know, you have a mask, you have to have a card, you have to have a booster, they scan your head like you’re a cashier and I’m a bunch of bananas — I’m not bananas, you are!”
“That’s not really funny, to people who have lost their kids to this vaccine,” said Goldberg, uttering a Freudian slip after playing the Maher segment.
Continuing, Whoopi told Maher, “Nobody on the planet really wants to go through this. This is not something we are doing because it’s sexually gratifying, this is what we’re doing to protect our families. And you don’t have to do it, but stay away from everybody!”
“How dare you be so flippant man?” she added.
Goldberg’s co-host Sara Haines chimed in next, saying, “I think some of the things we’ve learned in this pandemic are going to stay the same. I may never ride a subway again without a mask. I may never go indoors with big crowds and ever feel comfortable without a mask, and that’s up to me to do that.”
Haines explained that after 9/11, many Americans were uncomfortable with the TSA’s invasive “security” techniques, but that most citizens have gotten used to the agency’s presence as a “new normal.”
During the same episode of “Real Time With Bill Maher”, former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss also vented her frustration with the establishment’s Covid response.
“We were told you get the vaccine, you get the vaccine and you get back to normal. And we haven’t gotten back to normal. And it’s ridiculous at this point,” she said.
Watch Maher’s full monologue from Friday’s show below: