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Woman Attacked in Chicago: “They Said They Were Going to Kill Us”

Cops ignored couple's plea for help.

Woman Attacked in Chicago: “They Said They Were Going to Kill Us” Image Credit: Screenshot

A woman who was violently attacked with her partner during rioting in Chicago told Fox 32 “they said they were going to kill us” and revealed that police ignored her cries for help.

The incident took place during lawless chaos on Saturday night when a large mob of black teenagers approached 20-year-old Ashley and her boyfriend DJ in the 100 block of North Wabash Ave.

The video of the assault subsequently went viral on Twitter, amassing over 15 million views.

The victims were subsequently interviewed by Fox 32 and revealed that they feared for their lives while they were being attacked outside the Macy’s entrance.

“We were in downtown Chicago trying to shop, trying to get some food, and were walking down the street and there was a really big group of guys, a really big group of people, guys and girls. DJ had my hand trying to lead me through the crowd of people and they pushed him, they pushed me, and as soon as they pushed me I told DJ, ‘They just shoved me.’ And he was like, ‘Don’t shove her, who shoved her?’ And as soon as he said that, everything went crazy,” Ashley stated.

“They said they were going to kill us. They turned around and started fighting. I got pushed down to the ground and the whole group went to DJ and not to me. I have a whole lot less injuries than he does because I was more of a bystander than anything. But everyone went for him and ended up in the middle of the street. They were jumping him in the middle of the street. It got pretty bad,” she added.

The mob stole the couple’s shoes, wallets and cellphones before continuing on their way.

Ashley said that the cops saw she had been attacked and was in distress but chose to completely ignore her.

“They almost had to avoid the collision to get past us, but they just drove by the incident in the middle of the street,” she said.

“Cops drove right by it. Acted like they didn’t see anything,” said DJ.

“I literally went out in the street and held my hands up to a police car and asked them to stop and motioned them over to what was going on, and they just cut a path around me and just kept going,” said Lenora Dennis, a bystander who tried to help the couple.

After Dennis drove the couple to the police station to report what had happened, she was “told by the desk sergeant that this was going to happen, and that this was going to keep happening because Brandon Johnson got elected.”

We previously reported on how Johnson responded to the bedlam by defending the rioters, saying shouldn’t be “demonized” because they have been “starved of opportunities in their own communities.”

As we highlight in the video below, while the legacy media largely ignored the attack, a domestic crime incident in Kansas City involving an elderly white man shooting a black teenager who he thought was trying to break into his house garnered substantial press coverage, protests and even White House involvement.



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