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BOMBSHELL: Co-Founder and CEO of BioNTech Refuses to Take the mRNA Covid Vaccine Because He says, “We Need to Ensure Functionality of Our Whole Company”

Does that mean he fears he will have a heart attack or stroke?

BOMBSHELL: Co-Founder and CEO of BioNTech Refuses to Take the mRNA Covid Vaccine Because He says, “We Need to Ensure Functionality of Our Whole Company” Image Credit: Images By Tang Ming Tung / Getty

Imagine if an automobile manufacturer recommended their vehicles for everyone to buy and drive but wouldn’t drive it themselves because they don’t want to risk the vehicle malfunctioning and injuring or killing them. This is basically what the CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin, just said about the mRNA Covid “vaccines” that his company, working in tandem with Pfizer, created for the Wuhan Virus plandemic.

Ugur Sahin refuses to take the jab because he says he must ensure he stays “functional,” in other words, he knows that the clot shot renders humans functionless, incapacitated, and seriously injured where they cannot do their job, take care of themselves, or function for their children anymore.

Cancer research specialist and immunology scientist refuses to take the vaccine his own company designed and manufactured – does he fear getting turbo cancer from it?

Ugur Sahin is a German oncologist and immunologist who co-founded BioNTech, which developed one of the major clot shots for Covid-19. As a result of his company’s increase in value after merging with Pfizer and creating the deadliest vaccine known to mankind, he became one of Germany’s 100 wealthiest people.

Scientists and coroners around the globe have been identifying strange rubbery vascular clots up to a foot long inside of the humans who have received the Covid-19 jabs, bringing into question whether the mRNA “technology” uses millions of nanoparticles to form these clots and cause horrible health consequences, including myocarditis, pericarditis, vascular clots, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, and wait for it… turbo cancer.

Turbo cancer means people who have cancer or were previously diagnosed with cancer that went into remission, after they get the Covid jab(s), suddenly get huge cancer tumors and their cancer catapults into a deadly stage almost overnight.

Why would a cancer research specialist whose company created the Covid vaccines say that he will not take a chance and get inoculated with mRNA because he has to remain functional to run his company?

If Ugur Sahin is terrified to take the vaccine his own company made and distributed to hundreds of millions of people, then what does he know that he’s not telling everyone? What does he mean when he says he has to remain functional, so he can’t take the shot? Does that mean he fears he will have a heart attack or stroke? That’s sure what it sounds like, or why else would he say that? Is he afraid he’ll get a turbo-cancer brain tumor and be incapacitated where he needs chemotherapy and round-the-clock nurses to help him survive the aftermath of the mRNA spike proteins clogging his brain veins? Even Bill Gates is on the record saying he hopes to reduce the world’s population by a few billion people using vaccines to do it.

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on deadly vaccines that Big Pharma CEO’s tell the world they must take to stay alive, but who won’t dare get jabbed themselves because they need to remain “functional” for their business.

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