(LifeSiteNews) — Democrats are preparing for the second inauguration of Donald Trump on Monday. Trump has promised to veto any federal abortion legislation and has stated that he supports the availability of the abortion pill. America’s abortion extremists, however, are taking no chances — and some of them are becoming abortion preppers. California, Massachusetts, and now New Jersey will be stockpiling mifepristone — the abortion pill — to guard against any potential shortages or restrictions.
Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey announced in his “state of the state” address on January 14 that while he will seek opportunities to work with the incoming president, he is also taking steps to ensure that abortion will remain easily and readily available in New Jersey, come what may. To accomplish this, New Jersey will begin hoarding abortion pills “so every woman can access this crucial form of reproductive care.”
Murphy did not explain why abortion pills are “crucial.” Or did he address the fact that using abortion pills frequently means that women need real health care. As Rachel Aldhizer noted recently in First Things, “up to 20 percent of women experience a complication — four times the complication rate of surgical abortion.” She added:
The medical abortion process is designed to hide adverse events and discourage patient follow-up. Women seeking abortion receive lower standards of care than do women suffering miscarriage, despite advocates’ claims that miscarriage and chemical abortion are the same physiological processes with an identical treatment regimen.
But for Democrats, the “crucial” outcome — a dead baby — is worth the risk. It is worth noting that Murphy is an abortion fanatic. In January 2022, he signed the “Freedom of Reproductive Choice Act” into law that explicitly grants the “right” to abortion to all New Jersey residents throughout all nine months of pregnancy for any reason or for no reason at all. As Planned Parenthood put it, this means that “no matter what the Supreme Court ultimately decides, this means you can get an abortion in New Jersey” up until the moment of birth.
“I will never back away from partnering with the Trump administration where our priorities align,” Murphy said during his address before a joint meeting of the Democrat-led Legislature. “But just as importantly, I will never back down from defending our New Jersey values — if and when they are tested.” Murphy’s version of “New Jersey values” includes permitting abortion when the unborn child can survive outside the womb and supplying women with pills that turn their bedrooms and bathrooms into back alleys.
Murphy is correct, however, to recognize that the abortion pill is the new major front in the American abortion wars. Two-thirds of abortions are now facilitated using abortion pills. Days after Roe v. Wade was overturned, I attended a major protest outside the Biden Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C., where leader after leader noted that this federal building now functioned as the largest abortion clinic in America. The number of brick-and-mortar clinics in the United States has been consistently shrinking due to a combination of dedicated pro-life activist, pro-life laws, and, it must be noted, Planned Parenthood’s growing monopoly.
Now, that is changing — and a movement that has spent decades focusing on abortion clinics must now evolve. Democrat politicians certainly are, and that is why they are stockpiling abortion pills.