A shocking and sickening video out of a bar called ReMyx’d in Arlington, Washington shows clips from a recent “child-friendly” drag show where performers used stripper poles and collected dollar bills from patrons.
The “Mother’s Day” brunch event featured biological men pretending to be women and dancing provocatively for everyone in attendance, including young children.
Post Millennial Senior Editor Andy Ngo shared a video from the drag show on Twitter Sunday along with the flyer for the event.
At the ReMyx’d bar in Arlington, Wash., a scantily-drag performer uses a pole & gyrates sexually in front of an “all ages” audience that included children. The show was themed around “Celebrating Mothers.” Read my new report: https://t.co/ZhV8l7eUba #MothersDay pic.twitter.com/wVGPWjvCCu
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) May 15, 2023
With mainstream media and Democrat politicians gaslighting the masses regarding these drag shows by hiding videos like this from the public eye, it’s imperative to spread the footage so people can be informed about the disgusting sexualization of American kids.
The word is getting out about the sexual nature of many of the “child-friendly” drag events as GOP lawmakers in fourteen states have recently introduced bills making it illegal for young people to attend explicit dance routines like the ones above.
For anyone still in the dark about the widespread grooming of American kids, check out the following interview where journalist Tayler Hansen provides twenty examples of inappropriate drag queen storytime events.
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