The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance or FISA Act was established in 1978 after the Tricky Dick Administration forced the hand of Congress to seek judicial and congressional oversight with a secret court of 7 Article 3 District Judges unhindered by checks and balances over the escalating abuse of surveillance by the Federal Government.
45 years later, the 4th Amendment violating FISA rubber stamp monstrosity that approves 99.7 % of warrant requests, has become far worse than what it was intended to prevent.
The Trojan Horse Patriot Act expanded the FISA Court’s authority. Section 215 eliminated restrictions on the surveillance of business and lowered the burden of proof to confiscate records previously protected by the 4th Amendment. Craving deeper control, the Bush Administration’s STELLARWIND program secretly authorized the NSA to monitor without a warrant, all communications involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the United States, even if the other end of communication was within the United States. After a Congressional mutiny, oversight was returned to the FISA court. However, The FISA Amendments Act of 2008 enacted Section 702 loosening the FISA Court oversight and increased from 48 hours to seven days the length of time Americans online communications with those living abroad could be surveilled without a FISA Court warrant.
During the Obama years, mega patriot Edward Snowden downloaded U.S. military contractor Booz Allen Hamilton’s massive domestic spying program.
This eventually lead to Congress passing the USA Freedom Act that provided a 180-day sunset provision before eliminating § 215 of the PATRIOT Act. And set a discretionary standard for hearing both sides of a case before deciding.
In 2020, the DOJ admitted that the secret FISA Court had been in league with the FBI and the DOJ issued warrants that abused the FISA process to spy on the Trump campaign.
And now in 2023, snubbing their noses at the Constitutional rights of American citizens, and after months of moving the goalposts. Congress passed the NDAA 2023. Rewarding the FBI with more communist style control.
Attention power mad totalitarian Uniparty members of Congress. The FISA courts and all sections related to them violate our 4th Amendment rights on its face. And what does surveilling Americans communicating with foreigners achieve when Congress has allowed more possible terroristic threats into the United States under Biden’s 3 years than the previous 12 years? It’s obvious, it is the Federal Government that is a threat to the National Security of the United States and the rights of its citizens.
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