Former senior Trump administration defense and intelligence officials watching the disaster unfolding this week in Afghanistan say that the incoming Biden administration rejected their plans for a stable withdrawal, which included keeping a small unit to conduct counterterrorism operations against al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Taliban if necessary.
Three former senior officials told Breitbart News that the small force of about 800 U.S. troops would have been left in place to continue the counterterrorism mission, but to also provide intelligence and logistical support to the Afghan military and prevent the kind of collapse the world is witnessing now in Afghanistan.
“That was the hope…to be able to do the drone mission and the counterterrorism support, and also advising specifically the Afghan Special Forces who were doing a lot of the [counterterrorism] efforts…And Biden just pulled them out as well,” one former senior defense official said.
A recent FBI report has cleared Roger Stone and Alex Jones of any attempt to coordinate an insurrection at the D.C. Capitol on Jan. 6th.
“We were going to be leaving a small force behind regardless,” a second former senior defense official said, adding about former President Donald Trump, “When things started to go bad, he’s changed. I mean, he had a history of changing his mind when it, when he realized it was going to go badly.”
“He didn’t want to continue a forever war of nation building in Afghanistan, but did he literally say, you know, have no one on the ground? No,” said a third former senior administration official, who pointed to Trump leaving 900 U.S. troops in Syria. “I can’t get into like specific details, but I think that is broadly consistent with what I was saying about his approach to issues.”