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Live Friday Transmission! Globalists Launch Pro-Pedo UN Agenda As Mass Awakening Hits The Public

Don't miss out on this exclusive broadcast exposing the globalist assault on humanity and dissecting the NWO agenda

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Live Friday Transmission! Globalists Launch Pro-Pedo UN Agenda As Mass Awakening Hits The Public Image Credit: Gregory Adams / Getty

Rob Dew hosts this Friday edition of War Room!

Friday LIVE! Our Pedophile Rulers Have Come Out of the Closet: UN Officially Pushes Legalizing Pedophilia as Washington Castrates Minors Without Parental Consent!

Start your weekend with this explosive edition of the most banned broadcast in the world:

Watch & share the following video report that every parent needs to watch:

Washington To Castrate Minors Without Parental Consent As UN Pushes Legalized Pedophilia

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