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Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Combats ‘the Clots’ — Study

Extracts from the Ginkgo Biloba tree leaf are documented to combat numerous health ailments, according to medical literature.

Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Combats ‘the Clots’ — Study Image Credit: Infowars

A compound found in the Ginkgo Biloba tree leaf has been found to prevent blood clots, according to a research study.

“They comprise gink-golides and flavonoid glycosides, both of which can prevent blood clotting and inflammation,” the study said in chapter 2.8.4.

Chronic inflammation is a major contributor and trigger of a vast multitude of ailments, including cardiovascular disease.

“Although intermittent increases in inflammation are critical for survival during physical injury and infection, recent research has revealed that certain social, environmental and lifestyle factors can promote systemic chronic inflammation (SCI) that can, in turn, lead to several diseases that collectively represent the leading causes of disability and mortality worldwide, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and autoimmune and neurodegenerative disorders,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

One cause of inflammation is the Covid vaccination, according to a study published in 2022 which documented how one out of 100 teens developed heart inflammation after their Covid injection.

Infowars previously reported on a study documenting how the Covid vaccines cause clots to form in the brain.

In addition to that, Infowars reported on another study documenting how children are suffering serious cardiovascular disorders such as myocarditis & pericarditis from the Covid vaccines.

While some have claimed that heart inflammation such as myocarditis may be due to the Covid virus and not the injections, Infowars reported on a study which refuted that claim, showing proof the gene therapy was to blame.

Another study documented the case of 25 adults who were found dead after their hearts swelled up post-Covid injection.

“The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has been linked to the formation of micro clots and subsequent fibrosis, especially in vaccinated individuals whose immune systems cannot clear the spike protein. Cardiovascular patients who suffer from ‘long covid’ often deal with blood clots and inflammation of the endothelial cells. Ginkgo can improve these conditions by dealing with inflammation of the inner lining of the blood vessels and by activating plasminogen,” Lance D. Johnson wrote in Natural News.

The Covid injections have also been shown to make people retarded. Interestingly, Ginkgo Biloba has been documented in another study to help treat Alzheimer’s disease.

“Standardized Ginkgo Biloba extract exhibits beneficial effects to patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), It was previously demonstrated that EGb 761 inhibits amyloid beta (Aß) oligomerization in viro, protects neuronal cells against As toxicity, and improves cognitive defects in a mouse model of AD,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

The trees, which are native to Asia, also produce antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, have various cardiovascular benefits outside of the clot reduction, cause a reduction in psychiatric disorders and dementia via improving brain function, reduce anxiety and depression, improve ocular (eye) health, reduce headaches and migraines, improve asthma and treat PMS as well sexual disfunction, according to Healthline.

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