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Instead Of Deporting Haitians, Ohio Gov. To Roll Out Police State, Send More Cops To Springfield & More $ For ‘Migrants’

Republican politician doing nothing to stop Democrats from importing permanent underclass.

Instead Of Deporting Haitians, Ohio Gov. To Roll Out Police State, Send More Cops To Springfield & More $ For ‘Migrants’ Image Credit: forbes screenshot

Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine announced on Tuesday that he’s going to send State Troopers and patrol cars into Springfield to help with the uptick in car accidents connected to the influx of Haitian “migrants” who have flooded the small town.

Instead of helping out the actual U.S. citizens who are being displaced by the illegal aliens, the governor pledged to provide $2.5 million in the next two years for the county health department and other health care centers to provide more assistance to the newcomers.

So, instead of addressing the issue and removing the unwanted foreigners from the small Ohio town, the governor is beefing up the police state and giving the invaders more government handouts?

It’s even possible the increase in law enforcement presence could be used against the locals instead of the Haitians wreaking havoc around the area as some Springfield citizens recently warned tensions in the city have created a “time bomb.”

“A good number of the (Haitians) who come to the United States … have not driven, many of them,” DeWine said. “This is creating a great deal of concern among people who are on the road in Springfield and Clark County.”

While the town is truly divided about the Haitian infiltration, the situation could serve as an opportunity for a false flag to be blamed on Americans who are fed up with mass illegal immigration under the Biden-Harris administration.

Alex Jones said in an exclusive X video on Wednesday that the governor’s move is “like giving someone a Band-Aid after you shot them in the chest with a 12-gauge shotgun.”

“It is a sick joke and it’s this type of thinking that is at the root of all of our country’s problems, and Europe’s problems,” he explained.

Jones also pointed out the police have their hands tied and can’t do anything to help out with the surge in Haitian crime and vehicle wrecks because the federal government has given them amnesty and local DAs won’t charge them with crimes.

It’s clear that most politicians, regardless of political party, are working with the globalist UN agenda to flood Western nations with people from around the world as part of the Great Reset nightmare.

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