If there’s one figure, one stat, that sums up George Soros and his baleful effects on American life, it has to be this one.
It’s not a money figure, either; although the money’s crucial when we’re talking about George Soros, obviously.
No, it’s a crime statistic.
Gird your loins. It’s a real shocker.
Forty percent of all murders in the US now take place in a district controlled by a Soros-backed prosecutor.
I’ll admit, I had to put down my morning covfefe and do a double take.
Forty percent!? That can’t be true!
But yes, it’s true, says new research from the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF): 40% of all murders in the US now take place in a district controlled by a Soros-backed prosecutor.
According to the report “Justice for Sale,” Soros prosecutors represent 72 million Americans—roughly 20% or 1 in 5–including “half of America’s 50 most populous cities and counties.”
So 20% of the American population gets 40% of the murders gift of our favourite Hungarian vampi… I mean philanthropist.
Thanks a billion, George!
And it really does work like that, because the prosecutors Soros helps get appointed are notoriously soft on crime, and being soft on crime results in nothing but more crime. In fact, that’s the whole point, the raison d’etre of the Soros prosecutor: to push for “criminal-justice reform”—nice euphemism—and to use lawfare to punish those who stand in the way, up to and including a former president of the United States, but mainly poor sods like Daniel Penny who make the fatal error of intervening to prevent crime in their local communities.
DAs Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis, both of whom pursued Donald Trump with vexatious charges since he left office, in an effort to derail his political career for good, have been bankrolled by George Soros. Bragg’s the one who prosecuted Daniel Penny too.
I’ll let the good people at the LELDF explain more about old George and his MO.
“Over the past decade, a wave of ‘social justice’ candidates have been elected as the chief prosecutor in jurisdictions across the United States.”
“Most of these prosecutors pursue radical justice policies upon assuming office including eliminating bail, dismissing felony cases, and seeking lenient sentences while creating antagonistic relationships with their public safety partners, especially the police.”
Many of these men and women have no prior experience of prosecution at all. Again, that’s deliberate.
Securing the election of these prosecutors has cost Soros a lot of money, but luckily for him, he’s got deep pockets.
“From 2018 to 2021, Soros spent $13 million in just 10 prosecutors’ races, where his organizations were by far the biggest spender in the race and comprised the majority of the progressive candidate’s campaign spending—as much as 90% in some cases.”
George Soros has spent over $40 million on direct campaign spending to elect prosecutors since 2014.
Soros doesn’t give the money himself, in brown envelopes passed directly to his guys and girls. Instead he uses “a series of shell organizations, affiliates and pass-through committees” to funnel his money to chosen candidates. An elaborate machinery exists solely to distribute Soros’s patronage while ensuring everything, from a legal perspective, is above board—all the i’s are dotted and all the t’s are crossed.
Because being seen to observe the law matters, especially when you’re bending and breaking it to serve your will.
Those $40 million are a drop in the ocean compared to the money Soros has spent in other ways to influence American politics—he put a cool $60 million in Biden’s warchest for the last election—but in terms of bang for your buck, I’d say that’s a hell of a payoff. Soros has spent $40 million dollars and basically turned the lives and communities of 72 million Americans on their head.
Back in May, I said we must give the Devil his due, the Devil being George Soros. I stand by that statement. In fact, as I read that murder figure for the first and then the second time this morning, my grudging admiration for him only grew. This really is a man who knows how to get what he wants and is prepared to do it.
Perhaps more than any one man except Joe Biden, George Soros has managed to turn America into an anarcho-tyranny, to borrow a phrase from Samuel Francis. An anarcho-tyranny, in simple terms, is a regime where lawlessness is allowed to flourish deliberately as a means of social control. Selective justice is enforced: criminals go free, they rob, rape and murder with impunity, while the productive middle classes and hardworking ordinary people cower in fear and face the full weight of the law for even the most minor infraction. It’s a heady combination, but it works very well, even in a country with a history of rebellion against tyranny and a massively well armed populace.
Chaos has been a weapon of the tyrant since the days of the Ancient Greeks—read book V of Aristotle’s Politics for a primer on this—but anarcho-tyranny differs from ancient tyranny in notable ways. The twin axes of anarcho-tyranny today are mass immigration and high-minded social-justice policies which emphasise the unfairness of punishment and place the rights of the perpetrators above those of the victims.
Flood the country with foreigners, including hardened criminals and gang members, then make sure the people can’t protect themselves—and know they can’t protect themselves too.
Soros’s contributions to American carnage were recognized last week by President Joe Biden, who awarded him the national Medal of Freedom, along with the equally ghoulish Hillary Clinton. Real recognizes real, as they say.
We should also recognize what Soros has done. And not only that, we should emulate him. I’m not joking. If we want a right-wing revolution, one that genuinely changes the nation, we need to pay as much attention to what’s going on in local elections as in national ones. We need to look after the small things properly.
(Note, by “revolution” I mean the proper sense of the term: “coming full circle,” “returning to the origin.” If MAGA is anything, it’s a revolution in that sense, a return to the principles that made America what it once was.)
Elon Musk said it himself recently, I think at Mar-a-Lago. “The right needs a George Soros,” he said, before adding that he would be the right’s George Soros. There are already promising signs, beyond the fact that Musk has a lot more money than George Soros. Musk has said he intends to fund moderate Democrats in primaries against radical candidates and incumbents, and that seems a good place to start.
But a real George Soros of the right would have to do much more than that. Like his leftist namesake, he’d take a keen interest in local justice; he’d take his time, planning for a campaign of many years; he’d create an array of organizations to pursue his goals; he’d spread his money far and wide and be prepared to wait for the payoff.
And when that payoff came, he wouldn’t need a medal to know he’d done the right thing. I suspect George Soros didn’t need that medal either.