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Study Claims 90% of Pregnant Women, Unborn Babies who Contract Bird Flu Will Die

Establishment pushes fearmongering vaccine propaganda on unsusupecting expectant mothers.

Study Claims 90% of Pregnant Women, Unborn Babies who Contract Bird Flu Will Die Image Credit: Oscar Wong

Pregnant women and their unborn offspring could die if infected with bird flu, a new study released by Australian researchers claims.

In a study published in Emerging Infectious Diseases, scientists at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne looked at confirmed bird flu cases in pregnant women, noting most of the cases ended with the mother and unborn child dying.

“…[T]he review found that 90% of women infected with bird flu during pregnancy died, and almost all of their babies (87%) died with them. Of the babies who survived, most were born prematurely,” the study states.

Researcher Rachael Purcell, whose team pored over 1,500 research papers to locate 30 such cases, claimed the study came about after noting pregnant women’s immune systems perform differently than normal people.

“A pregnant woman’s immune system doesn’t work in the same way as it does prior to pregnancy,” Purcell said, according to The Guardian, going on to claim, “Unvaccinated pregnant women who get other viruses such as Covid-19 or seasonal influenza often get more sick than non-pregnant women…”

The researcher said the study highlights how the virus reacts among vulnerable, high-risk populations, and went on to promote enlisting pregnant women in vaccination studies.

More from the Guardian:

“Despite being a high-risk population, pregnant women are often excluded from vaccine trials, from priority access to therapeutics, and experience delayed entry into public health vaccination programs.”


“That’s one of the challenges we often have with vaccines, as it is considered unsafe to test them in pregnant women,” Purcell said. “I think as we move forward, what we need to do is think about how we get data on pregnant women.

“If women are enrolled in vaccine safety studies, sometimes those women will inadvertently become pregnant, and there’s an opportunity to ethically study what happens to those women.”

Meanwhile, the UN-run World Health Organization has accelerated their plans to devise a new H5N1 mRNA jab that could be distributed to poor countries around the world.

At the same time, the FDA has greenlit research into the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s self-amplifying mRNA vaccine targeting the H5N1 virus.

The fearmongering study promoting vaccines to expectant mothers comes as California declared a state of emergency this week after dairy herds tested positive for H5N1, and as the CDC revealed at least two cases of zoonotic transmission of the virus.

Will the public fall for another pandemic scare that only serves to prop up the globalist power structure?

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