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Texas Democrats Flee State on Private Jets in Effort to Block Voter ID Bills

The last thing Democrats want to challenge their power is mail-in ballot chain of custody and voter ID requirements.

Texas Democrats Flee State on Private Jets in Effort to Block Voter ID Bills Image Credit: fatido/Getty Images

Update: The Democrats have booked it out of Austin with some family members to Washington D.C., complete with a case of beer and no masks on their privately chartered flight.

Original story below:

Democrats in the Texas Legislature are planning to jet-set to Washington D.C. in an attempt to block GOP-backed election bills.

Dozens of Democratic lawmakers are set to leave Austin on Monday before Republicans take the first vote on House Bill 3 and Senate Bill 1, blocking the bills from advancing until they return to the Texas capital.

“The majority of the members plan to fly to Washington, D.C., on two private jets chartered for the occasion and use the time there to rally support for federal voting legislation,” NBC News reported from a source Monday.

These desperate Democrats risk arrest in flying to D.C. because they could potentially violate the Constitution by leaving the state during a legislative session.

“Under the Texas Constitution, the Legislature requires a quorum of two-thirds of lawmakers be present to conduct state business in either chamber. Absent lawmakers can be legally compelled to return to the Capitol, and the sources said Democrats expect state Republicans to ask the Depart of Public Safety to track them down,” NBC News continued.

Therefore, the Democrats will need at least 51 of the 67 Democratic representatives to flee for their scheme to work.

Though House is set to reconvene Tuesday morning, the absent Democrats could mean there will not be enough members present to conduct business under House rules.

This latest liberal stunt comes about a month after State House Democrats staged a walkout to thwart the GOP’s first push for voter and election reforms.

The voting bill would ban drive-thru voting, add new voter ID requirements to absentee ballots and prohibit local elections officials from proactively sending mail-in ballot applications to voters.

Austin, Texas like many ActBlue Soros strongholds, has a District Attorney problem.

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